The Saga of the Possum Grape Jelly
Well, autumn is finally here. I guess its my sharecropping up-bringing, but this time of the year I get an irresistible urge to harvest and preserve food for the winter.
Aside from a few hickory nuts and springtime poke salat and rusty haw, there is little edible growing at Early Sundown in
The one exception is Possum Grape or Sweet Winter Grape, (Vitis cinerea )
In late September, just about my birthday, the possum grapes ripen.
We have about 50 feet of grape arbor. This year (2010) the vines were loaded with about 15 to 20 pounds of blueberry sized grapes in clusters of varying sizes.

The first order is to pick and clean the grapes.

Before proceeding be sure to have a stock of Jars, Sure Jell™ and Sugar.

Place 5 pounds of grapes and 2 cups of water in a sauce pan, bring to a boil, and simmer for 10 minutes.

As the grapes simmer, mash them with a meat tenderizer, or a potato masher.

Next drain the juice from the mixture by straining thru a cheesecloth lined colander.

The yield from 5 pounds of grapes should be about 5 cups.

In a large boiler, stir 1 package of Sure Jell™ into the juice and bring to a boil.

Stir in 7 cups of sugar and boil for 1 to 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

Pour into 8 ounce jelly jars which have been boiled and are still hot.

1 comment:
Great Idea! It may work for everyone who can read....and with pictures for sure! The results were good! Who are the kids? I've lost touch. Who made the biscuits? Leetie had a great recipe.....and I still have it somewhere.
Christmas coming up.....do you have an Eggnog recipe? Start saving your pint C.C. bottles! Oh, you don't drink.....maybe a sip or two at Christmas? I have that recipe too. Takes 30 minute just to beat the egg yolks.
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